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Can you believe it I have made it to my 100th blog post. It's hard to explain what 100 means when your young child and you're counting 100 M&Ms and 100 days of school. But when you count 100 blog posts it just seems like something more. Every time I sit down to write either a Farm Report or something that teaches you guys more about gardening and homesteading. I pour out a little bit of myself and now I have done that 100 times. I would like to concentrate on this Farm Report not so much on what we did this week but instead on what I have accomplished while writing this blog. If you go way back to my very first blog post you can tell that I was timid unsure of what to say and how long I would continue. Was I going to write a blog every week? Was I going to write one once a month? Or was it just going to be a hobby?

But then the Lord laid something on my heart in about March. And I'm sure you guys all know what happening in March. He wanted me to teach others how to grow their own food, how to start a homestead and to build a community of people that want to learn more about creating food stability. So I have worked hard over the last few months improving my writing skills and putting myself out there on Facebook to show you guys all what we do here. And now, I have made my first online course and am venturing on Instagram!

Plans before the end of the year are to finish my first ebooks and start building a community of Fellow Growers in my new Facebook Group, Red Ridge Farm Fellow Growers!

Thank you, Lord, for pushing me out of my comfort zone and helping me embrace your purpose for me! In your, Name, I pray, Jesus Christ, Amen

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