Our Story
We are a 6 acre homestead located in northern Wyoming just east of the Big Horn Mountains. We love growing most of own food and expanding our minds and hearts. We raise goats, chickens, ducks, turkeys, and much more. Our organic garden is situated on a quarter acre. We make our own compost and use chicken power for tilling and clean up. We hope to add a permaculture orchard.
At Red Ridge Farm, we love God, Life, and Liberty. We raise a plethora of things; boys, goats, and much more. We hope to bring you along on our journey of growing food for our plates, ideas for our minds, and love in our hearts.

Eat garden scrapes and give us fresh eggs

Eat slugs and other unwanted bugs

Eats garden scraps and weeds

Extend the season

Grow lots of vegetables in a small space

Growing things together that help each other

For our plate

Where we grow our own from kitchen/garden scraps and goat/chicken barn bedding

Where we raise our cornish-cross chickens
Meet Our Goats
We run a mini dairy here at the Farmstead. We sell goat milk to local customers as well as offspring to help other build their own mini dairy.