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Updated: Apr 2, 2020

Wow this week! Corona virus! We are all fine and our house has enough food to feed a small army. Enough said about that.

On the homestead we have amazing news. Our doe Ebony kidded on Thursday. She gave birth to three beautiful little girls. Their weight at two days was 8 pounds each. Let me introduce them to you!

Libby is the one in front and Freya is the one in the back.


They are Lamancha/Boer crosses. We used Artificial Insemination to a Boer Buck. (We don’t keep a buck and never will.)Why a Boer Buck? We where hoping to freshen our Lamancha doe but also have better market option than dairy kids. I would not recommended doing this with a first freshener or a doeling. As the Boer head can be bigger than a dairy head and can lead to birth complications. Ebony is neither of these. She gave birth to all of these unassisted because I took the proper precautions.

I just love baby goats. So here another pic.

Our other two does are due in the last part of April. We also Artificial Inseminated our other Lamancha doe Amber this week. If everything went well. She will kid mid August. I will continue to milk for another three months if her blood test next month come back positive. But if it is negative I will milk her through to next breeding season. So far at 10 months after freshening she is still giving a little under a half gallon. If you are asking why I am not drying her off. Is because as a dry doe she will gain to much weight and go into the next breeding season too fat.

As for the fedge I have decided to go with another apple tree. A Snowsweet Semi-Dwarf is a mid- season bloomer just like our Liberty Apple Tree. Then Comfrey spaced evenly for a nitrogen fixer and Tundra Honeyberries for the small fruit. I am thinking of planting two of these. I am going to plant pear trees in the fedge we will be starting next year. Remember grow slowly. Just add a few things each year. I am telling you this as advice for you and a reminder for me. It is so hard to stare at all the beautiful options and not get more than I need.

In the garden, I am still loving my new seedling area. I love having an area where I can find everything. It made a great back drop for a few of my member area videos.

In the kitchen, I made rice pudding for the first time. My husband has always raved about his mother’s. I just happened to have some left-over rice and some extra milk to get used up. Everyone loved it. Tell next time.

Pray, Just Plant!

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