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Homesteading in Wyoming can be adventurous and sometimes downright troublesome. I told you all last week that I have been praying for rain. This week God has answered that prayer as well as given us a little more than we can handle. As I sit here our little Homestead is covered in about 6 in of snow and it's still coming down. We do usually get an unexpected storm in October but the storm has brought outdoor projects to a complete standstill. It has left George and I pondering the little things we haven't got done yet!

On the homestead, we did get all the hay put in the hayloft for the winter but didn't get a chance to replace the loft door before the storm. We did finally get a shelter in the rock pasture done. We had of course had been planning to do it all fall and when did we get it done? Right in the middle of a snowstorm. I planned our fall clean-up day for Saturday but woke up to White. I have been planning for weeks to paint the barn and now it's just too cold. Life is full of interruptions in the unexpected, look at 2020!

In the garden, I had plans of finishing cleanup and mulching all the beds. I guess I thought I had plenty of time. That makes me think of Luke 12:40.

“You also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.”

To be ready for the coming Lord is our duty as a Christian. But as a homesteader our duty is to be ready for winter when it arrives without announcement or fanfare.

In the kitchen, I've been struggling under mounds of dishes! Dishes from breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, and now canning. I'm usually good at keeping up but this week my faithful helper, the dishwasher decided to call it quits. I do find washing things by hand relaxing but it is also very time-consuming.

Lord God, I thank you for your lesson of humility and watchfulness. In your name I pray, Jesus Chris, Amen.

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