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Fair week! For all of you who participate in your local 4-H fair you understand these two words and why they scream exhaustion. For those who don't, let me explain. This year was a little easier than past years for us but for others it was even more exhausting.

Fair Week here in Sheridan County lasts about 11 days and if you go to State Fair you can add an additional week. Fair takes lots of work from parents, kids, and volunteers. It also takes months of preparing exhibits for indoor and raising animals before the fair even begins.

This year, my men (I call my boys, men, that is what they will be and should be called accordingly. I should write a post on this topic) only took a few projects which was nice but still exhausting. Here is how our week went! I think the reason fair affects me so deeply is because I'm an introvert.

Sunday day 1 for me: I helped at the Dairy Goat Show. Last year, my youngest son showed my goats but this year he said it would be too much. So as a volunteer, I was in charge of lining all the kids and goats up for their classes.

Monday day 2 : I didn't have to help at the fair but did chores as usual and tried to get caught up on dishes.

Tuesday day 3: I did our usual chores and of course worked to get out last week's Farm Report on time.

Wednesday day 4: I, of course, was live on Facebook. It was such a beautiful cool day that I pruned and fertilized the tomatoes, harvested cauliflower, and made a plan for my fall garden.

Thursday day 5: We still didn't need to go to the fair but decided to dig up some of our red potatoes and the men washed goats in preparation for Friday's goat show.

Friday day 6: Market Goat Show Day! I don't think I have told you but I am the market goat superintendent for Sheridan County so my day started at 5 a.m. I arrived at the fairgrounds at 6 a.m. and started finding kids and collecting scrapie tag numbers. I also made sure all goat's were weighed. George had to do all the chores at home and trailer our Boer goats into town by 8 am. The show started at 10 a.m. and lasted about an hour and a half. I finished up a few things like awards and such and left the fairgrounds at 12:30. We picked up lunch and I came home and slept for 3 hours. (That is the only way I can recharge after so much time with lots of people) I woke up refreshed, so I came to you live that night and finished digging the rest of our red potatoes and started picking all of the broccoli plants in hopes of making canned greens from broccoli and cauliflower leaves.

Saturday day 7: The men helped me wash and wilt about for tubs of greens for canning! As well as we all drove up to Pass Creek to draw up an estimate for a chinking job. (We have a side business of chinky and staining log homes)

Sunday day 8: Spent the morning making my greens into southern collard greens. Then at 2 p.m. we had to rush my middle son's turkeys in for the poultry show. The turkeys we're done at 7 but I guess the poultry show lasted until 11 pm.

Monday day 9: Livestock Junior Sale Night! Spent the morning pressure cooking my first batch of collard greens. Then took all the boys in their fancy clothes to the Buyer’s Dinner at 4 pm. The sale started at 6 p.m. and lasted until 10:30. We were home by 11 p.m. but the goats still needed to be milked.

Tuesday day 10: Load Out Day! I was back at the fairgrounds at 7 a.m. making sure all the goats were ready for transport and did not lose any scrapies tags. One did but I got hold of the owner and the goats all left the fairgrounds on schedule. I made it home and crashed! That is why this report was late. I have decided next year all canning will have to wait until after Fair week.

Lord God, Thank you especially during these times for letting Sheridan County still have its Fair the kids needed something to look forward to, In your name I pray, Amen.

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