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This week was full to the brim with family and just enjoying raising animals in Wyoming! My two sisters visited with their families this week. Tell you what, if you ever feel like chores become drudgery just take a few young kids with you that don’t see animals everyday and it will change everything. Doing chores in the heat and peak growing season of Summer can start to feel like a pain but seeing the enjoyment in the eyes of my three year old and six year old nieces puts it in a news perspective! The Lord asks us to see the world through a child's eyes and this week I got to see my farm, my daily drudgery through my niece's eyes. It has lightened mine and my family's burden of growing our food and refreshed our souls.

We went to our first farmers market this week as a vendor. It was an experience! I have visited and promoted our areas two local markets for years. But, this is my first time on the other side of the table. It was interesting. #1, as an introvert talking to so many people was exhausting. #2, seeing all the familiar faces and sharing some of our homegrown food with others was exciting. I think the verdict is still out! I guess I will have to wait until the end of the season to make a proper decision.

On the homestead, we moved the baby layer chicks that are now 11 weeks old out on grass. The little chicks are enjoying the freedom and the grass! I had hoped to move our adult layer chickens out, but I found my youngest son decided to let a few chickens go broody for the last couple of weeks. Chicks will hatch after 21 days so I decided not to break them up. After much debate we have also decided that our 3 market goats are not going to be finished in time for fair in 18 days so we have pulled them off grain and we'll finish them on grass. Grass-fed tastes better anyways. The boys are even contemplating taking them to the USDA approved meat plant and selling the meat retail. We will definitely be doing some research and praying.

In the garden, I got the tomatoes trellised and my new cut flower seeds sowed! I'm excited! I've never grown cut flowers before. We also harvested our first strawberries of the year.

In the kitchen, the leftover kale from Farmers Market has been turned into kale chips. Yum!! They will be added to the products we will have available for this week's Farmer’s Market.

Lord God, I don't know where this world is going but I do know You are in control. I have peace in that and I pray that others find your peace, in your name, Jesus Christ, I pray Amen.

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