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Updated: Apr 20, 2020

Wow! This year is just zooming by, we are already at Farm Report #13. With it being Spring, there is just so much going on. I know the first day of Spring is March 20th but here in Wyoming it doesn’t start to warm up tell mid April sometimes mid May. Last week we got 6” of snow and the temps dropped back down into the 20’s. It was cold. I am now sitting here at my computer typing away and enjoy the warm sunshine pour through my east window. I love Spring it is my favorite time of year. The birds are chirping again, the grass is growing, and the babies are arriving. So far we have got Cornish Cross Chicks, Turkey Chicks and welcomed our first set of goat kids this year and we have more on the way. I am just so excited. If you want to be part of our 135 day of growing Food and see what we are doing daily to accomplish our goal of growing 75% of our own food. Then jump over to my Facebook page, WyoRedRidgeFarm, and like the page so you don’t miss a thing!

On the homestead, in preparation of new grass growing and new babies arriving we have moved all the goats closer to the barn and built them a new pen. We give our pastures a rest in the Spring so all the green heavenly grass can grow uninterrupted. We currently have two does that are set to kid today or ten days from now. My records show that both of these does were with the buck from 11/22/2019 to 12/8/2019. I have it wrote down that Loretta Lynn cycled on 11/22/2019 but she may have recycled again 10 days later. May Mae cycled on 12/6/2019 and did not recycle. So we have both of these does moved into two of our kidding stalls. This gives them a chance to get all the food they need with no competition and maybe just some alone time before their kids arrive. We also got our huge load of trash loaded to the landfill. The free dump day was canceled due to you know what. But our trailer was full so my men donned their homemade masks and got everything delivered to the dump. As a homesteader, one seems to collects lots of unused things. I asked my husband where all this trash came from and he so lovingly said,” Honey , It came from all those DIY projects you keep wanting to do but then you change your mind.” Which, if I am going to be honest with myself, he is totally correct. I make many a plan and begin to gather some of the materials and then I change it into something else. I guess being a women homesteader can have it’s draw backs and rewards. HHHAAAA

In the garden, my Bee Balm, Chives, Marigolds and Hyssop have germinated. I am so excited! (I know I said that before, but I love learning new things.) I told you last week starting these herbs and flowers is new to me and I just love expanding my knowledge of God’s World. I am planning to plant all to most of these herbs in my grape berms under the trellised vines. Permaculture has taught me that the Lord is going to cover the earth so I can let him do it or I can plant and chose what is going to grow there instead. I will choose flowers and herbs over weeds any day. All my other seedlings are doing great I plan to start hardening off the Onions, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Spinach, and Kale this week. With the chicken house renovation complete we will be locking up the chickens in their yard until we can get them out in their mobile layer chicken tractor and following the horses and goats around the pastures. Free Range Chicken and new seedlings are not a good combination. I love my chickens but I have many a stories of them destroying something.

In the Kitchen, I have been dealing with all the leftover turkey from our small Easter Dinner. There is nothing small about a 20# turkey. I have made Turkey Bone Broth from the carcass, Turkey and Biscuits, Turkey grilled Cheese Sandwiches, Turkey Sandwiches, and Turkey Salad. Today, I plan on eating a Turkey Salad Sandwich for Lunch. I am truly thankful, by the Lord’s grace, that we have all this homegrown, organic turkey. But I am running out of recipe ideas.

Lord, God Almighty, I want to thank you for our food stability in these times of uncertainty, I ask that you will help others to do the same, heal our nation, heal our sick, bring hope to the scared, and Lord, help those in office as they try to help our nation survive and make decisions that are beyond their understanding and control. In your name, Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

Pray, Just Plant!

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