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Updated: Apr 2, 2020

In our family the first week of March is full of Birthdays. My husband birthday is on the 3rd and I have 4 other family member that fall on the 2nd ,4th,5th, and 6th. It is crazy. The weather has been amazing this week. We even had a high of 65 on Saturday. The green has shown up early this year. My gardeners heart is rejoicing! If you haven’t read my “Pray, Just Plant” Poem, you can find it here.

On the homestead I am working on our fedge plans. Are you asking yourself, “What is a fedge?” It is a food hedge or a mini food forest. We have been working on a three year growing plan. We have found on our homestead it is best to grow slow. Why? Because when the season is in full swing and there are only a couple extra things to take care of. It increase their chance of survival because we can focus on them with out as much extra work. Two years ago we planted two fruit trees. A Herald Red Apple tree and a cherry plum tree. Sadly my goats destroyed by cherry plum tree. Last year we focused on our grape terraces. For this year we will be replacing the plum cherry tree. I can’t decide if I want to stick with that or change to an Apple or Pear tree. We will also be establishing our new beds around the trees. We will be planting pumpkins this year and next year we plan on adding comfrey and some small fruit. For the small fruit, I am thinking either raspberries or cranberries. We will see.

I told you last week that Ebony, one of our Lamanchas, is due this Saturday. She looks like she is ready to pop anytime. Her back end is loose and her udder is starting to fill. Our vet, after looking at her ultra sound, suggested that she maybe have triplets. I got our kidding kit ready. I am ready and nervous at the same time. Can’t wait to see her babies. If she has triplets we will bottle feeding one. Once she kids, I will have two girls in milk. I am ready, I hope.

In the garden, my husband finished my seedling area. I love it. I can’t wait for the basement to be full of green plants. I got the spinach and kale started.

In the Kitchen, we were just focused on eating all our good food. It’s amazing! Tell next time.

Pray, Just Plant

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