Lamancha Dairy Goats
Order Information
Our registered purebred LaMancha does are getting ready to kid between March to June. All kids will be sold as bottle babies.
All the does are well built, very feminine and have great udder attachments.
The sires of the kids are also registered purebred. Doe and buck kids will be sold disbudded, tattooed, and with their registration papers. Wethers will also be sold disbudded and banded.
Rules of order are: you email Red Ridge Farm through our contact form with your name and list in order of choice. E mails are dated. You will get a reply with which your order choice are confirmed. First comers get first choices etc. We email and call you when the kids come. You have 24 hours to respond that yes you want them. Pick up MUST be after 7 days and No later than-14 days old. Cash at pickup. Any non responders are bumped off the list at 24 hours post notification.
Option offered: does to bottle raised to 12 weeks old for an additional $100
bucks dam raised to 12 weeks old for an additional $100
2022-2023 Breeding Season
Doe: M.A.'s Amber Ale -- Buck: Blue Yonder Flynn Rider Due: April 27, 2024
Price: $300 Kidded: April 29th, 2024~1 Buck~ Sold, 1 Doelings~ Available
Doe: Red Ridge Princess Cleopatra -- Buck: Blue Yonder Flynn Rider Due: May 7, 2024
Price: $250 Kidded: May 7th, 2023 Two Bucks~ 1 Sold 1 Available
Doe: Red Ridge Lady Sweet Pea -- Buck: Blue Yonder Flynn Rider Due: May 3, 2024
Price: $250 Kidded: May 12th, 2023 1 Doeling~ Available
Click on Does Pictures Below to learn more about Pedigree Information.