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Garden Soil

Your Soil Holds the Secret! Understand Them Today!

Introducing the Secrets of Your Soil Health Workshop!

Your soil is struggling but finding the solution has been overwhelming and down right confusing at times. You are sick of all the confusion and just wish someone could break through all the science behind soil health and give it to you straight.


Inside the Secrets of Your Soil Health Workshop you are going to find the simple secrets that will unlock your understanding about your soil and find the solution that goes beyond amendments and Soil Tests!

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Hello my name is Crystal Mediate and I am a co-owner of Red Ridge Farm. And your mentor when you jump inside the Secrets of Your Soil Health Workshop!​


Do you want to feel confident in your soil improvement choices?​


Do you want to learn about why Cover Crops are not a one size fits all Solution?​


Do you want to be connected with your Soil Solution Tool Box filled with tools you can use to improve your garden soil today?

Then the Secrets of Your Soil Health Workshop is for YOU!

I have spent years growing and building our homestead and garden but about fourteen years ago I started to have trouble with my garden soil. It was just after we built our new house and my youngest son. In the garden that year, my growing season was a disaster. I had pests I had never had before, all of my plants struggled. I just couldn’t figure out where I had gone wrong. I will tell you what happened in a moment but the thing that surprised me was that I found solutions to fixing my soil so numerous I just didn’t know where to start.


I searched the internet, read loads of my favorite gardening books over and over. But I couldn’t decide with confidence what I needed to do.


Everyone said that a soil test would solve all my problems. So I did that first but when the results came in I was even more confused. So I did nothing for a few years because I was too overwhelmed to take action. 


But it wasn’t until the miracle of too much barn waste that I found the solution. I found that I need to stop comparing my soil to other growers and find exactly what my soil was trying to tell me. 


Yes, your soil has secrets that it wants to share with you. You just need to know where to look and how to read your soil to unlock the solutions your soil needs. 


What happened to my soil is that I didn’t realize it back then with the new baby and all that when we dug out the basement the dirt was placed on my garden, which changed my whole soil’s composition. I guess, Hindsight is 2020, but essentially I had to build my soil back up from ground zero. Now this sucked for me but for you it is going to be a blessing. 


Because I want to take my woes and turn them into Solutions for YOU!

That is why inside the Secrets of Your Soil Health Workshop I share with you the exact step you need to take to understand the secrets your soil has to tell you so that you can stop searching the internet, break through the overwhelm, and start finding the tools you need!


Are You ready to break through the noise and start growing with Confidence?

Organic Home Garden

When you sign up, You will get…..


Access to the Secrets of Your Soil Health Workshop filled with tips for:


  • Understanding the Ideal Soil so You can see 

  • Finding the Next steps After A Professional Soil Test

  • Finding the Tool You have to Match Your Problem with Correct Tool

  • Learning how Cover Crops Work to solve Different problems


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