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A Group of 3 databases that help you make a garden plan like a master gardener!

This tool box includes:

The seedling timeline database- that will help you organize your starting and transplanting dates and more!

The garden bed timeline- that will help you organize your a plan for every garden bed!

The Garden Calendar- that will will bring all of your dates together into one place!


I developed the Red Ridge Farm Garden Planning Tool Box to share with you the other databased I developed to help you plan your garden like a Market Gardener. 

I know after planning my garden for the past 17 years it is easy to get lost in the fun of ordering new seeds. But what happens after the you make your seed list and your garden layout?

Do you have a plan for after the first week of growing?

Do you have a plan that will help care for your garden?

Does your garden plan give you a list of task that need to be done every week?


There is so much more to caring for your garden, like weeding, watering, improving my soil, and the list could go on and on. When I started looking at my garden like a market gardener. Things changed and my plan developed into a schedule of not only planting but maintenance. And let me tell you, being a busy mom and homesteader it was nice having a plan that told me exactly what needed to be done when I only had an extra 15 minutes or hour to work in the garden. And amazingly as a result my harvest has even increased.


For years my garden plan was just a list of seeds I wanted to plant and that was it. But here is what I discovered, as a busy mom, I need my plan to include more. I wanted something that would take the stress out of caring for my garden as well. It wasn’t until I started learning about market gardening that I found the secret. I remember reading a particular article, I can remember which one now, that said that the reason the market gardener that was being interviewed was successful was because he had a plan for everything. He knew exactly what needed to be done every morning when he went out to his 2 acre garden. He knew what needed harvested, what beds need weeded, and what new plants need to be planted. I was amazed and knew this was exactly what I needed to do too.


Let me show what all is included when you purchase Red Ridge Farm Garden Planning Tool Box:

  • Seedling Timeline Database- This database was developed to help you keep track of all your seedling starting and transplanting dates (Value $27)

  • Garden Bed Timeline Database- This database was developed to help you keep a record of all that needs done for everyone of your garden beds or perennials (Value $27)

  • Garden Calendar- was developed to help record your gardening tasks into a color coded calendar! (Value $27)

​That is a total Value of $81.00

But today, exclusively to you, You can purchase the Red Ridge Farm Garden Planning Tool Box for just ...


And if you are one of the first 50 Readers you will receive this added:


Bonus: Seedling Supply Checklist- is a guide developed to help you gather all the supplies you will need to start your seedlings on your own (Value $27)

With this bonus that is a Total Value of $108.00

At just $7!!



Red Ridge Farm Garden Planning Tool Box

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