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Updated: Apr 28, 2023

Permaculture is more than just a gardening technique, it's a way of life. This episode will explore the benefits of incorporating permaculture principles into your garden, including increased biodiversity, sustainability, and reduced maintenance. We'll also provide helpful tips for getting started with permaculture in your own backyard.

Main Points:

  • Permaculture 101: What is it and How Does it Work?

  • The Benefits of Permaculture for Your Garden

  • Getting Started with Permaculture in Your Backyard

  • Permaculture Techniques to Boost Soil Health and Biodiversity

Resources Mentioned:

Why Permaculture Will Change the Way You Approach Your Garden,

It is that time of year again, garden time. Growing a garden was one of the first steps I made when my family and I started this homesteading lifestyle. It wasn’t very big and the yield the first year was atrocious to say the least.(we didn’t focus on protecting it from the wildlife and they ate most of it) But now more than 20 years into my garden journey, I thought I would address a question I get a lot from beginning growers, "What is one thing you would have done differently when it came to growing your garden?” Well, I have two main answers. I wish I would have found a mentor and I wish I would have learned about Permaculture sooner.

Using Permaculture on our homestead, let alone in our garden, has created an abundance I never thought possible on our little homestead. It has been the way we have tapped into God’s Creation and His systems and created more. It doesn’t matter what stage you are at in the Purposeful Growing Success Path, Permaculture is a key piece to every stage. So no matter if this year is your first growing season or your tenth, I have a question for you.

Is your garden a constant source of frustration? Do you spend countless hours battling pests and weeds, only to be disappointed with the results? It's time to try a different approach: permaculture.

This holistic method of gardening focuses on sustainability, biodiversity, and soil health, creating a thriving garden that requires less maintenance and care. In this episode, we'll explore the basics of permaculture and its benefits for your garden. We'll also provide tips for getting started and implementing permaculture techniques to achieve a landscape that is not only beautiful but also sustainable. Get ready to change the way you approach your garden with the power of permaculture.

Permaculture 101: What is it and How Does it Work?

Permaculture is a sustainable approach to gardening that focuses on creating a self-sustaining ecosystem. Instead of using conventional techniques like chemical fertilizers and pesticides, permaculture relies on God’s natural processes to maintain soil health, maximize biodiversity, and minimize waste.

At its core, permaculture is about creating a regenerative system that benefits not just the plants, but also the surrounding environment. By using techniques like companion planting, mulching, and composting, permaculture gardeners can create an ecosystem that supports a wide range of plant and animal species. Below I will share a few examples of how you can utilize the permaculture principles in your garden but if you would like to dive deeper check a series I wrote called, Permaculture Design on the Homestead. I walk you through a greater understanding of permaculture, its foundation and even give you examples on how to incorporate each principle on your homestead with real life examples of how we use it here at Red Ridge Farmstead.

One of the key principles of permaculture is to work with nature, not against it. For example, instead of trying to eliminate pests with chemicals, permaculture gardeners create habitats for natural predators, like ladybugs and praying mantises, that can keep pest populations in check. I do this by creating a hedge of roses and flowers just inside my garden fence. This creates a great habitat for insects, like pollinators, plus it brings a little beauty to my garden.

Permaculture also emphasizes the importance of soil health. By using techniques like crop rotation and cover cropping, permaculture gardeners can maintain healthy soil that is rich in organic matter and full of beneficial microorganisms. A few week’s with you I shared a podcast episode all about this topic. You are not just a gardener but instead are the steward of your soil. This ensures that plants grow strong and healthy, with minimal intervention required.

Overall, permaculture is a holistic approach to gardening that focuses on creating a self-sustaining ecosystem that benefits both the garden and the surrounding environment. By implementing permaculture techniques in your own garden, you can create a thriving landscape that requires less maintenance and is more resilient in the face of pests, disease, and climate change.

To learn more about permaculture and designing your homestead with permaculture listen to the podcast series I shared just for you!

The Benefits of Permaculture for Your Garden

Permaculture offers many benefits for your garden that extend beyond just the plants themselves. One of the biggest advantages is the creation of a self-sustaining ecosystem that helps to maintain a healthy balance between all the different elements present in your garden. By using permaculture techniques like composting, no-till, and cover cropping, you can create an environment that is rich in nutrients and beneficial microorganisms. This helps to keep plants healthy and strong, while also reducing the need for harmful chemicals and pesticides.

Another benefit of permaculture is the way it helps to conserve resources like water and energy. By using techniques like rainwater harvesting, mulch, and companion planting, you can reduce the amount of water and other resources needed to maintain your garden. This not only saves you time and money, but also helps to reduce your overall environmental impact.

Permaculture is a highly effective approach to gardening that offers numerous benefits for both your own backyard and the wider environment. By focusing on creating a self-sustaining ecosystem that is rich in nutrients and beneficial microorganisms, you can create a beautiful and thriving landscape that requires minimal maintenance and is more resistant to pests, disease, and other common garden problems. If you're interested in learning more about permaculture and how you can get started in your own backyard, read on to the next section for tips and advice.

Getting Started with Permaculture in Your Backyard

If you're ready to dive into the world of permaculture and transform your backyard into a sustainable and thriving ecosystem, there are a few key steps you can take to get started. First, take some time to observe your space and understand the natural processes that are already at play. For example, how does the sun move across your property during different seasons or better yet how does rain water move across your property after a large rain storm. This will help you make informed decisions about what plants and animals to introduce, and where to place them. Next, focus on building healthy soil by adding compost, mulch, and other organic matter. This will help support a diverse array of microorganisms that are key to a thriving ecosystem.

Once you have a good foundation in place, you can start experimenting with permaculture techniques like companion planting, rainwater harvesting, and natural pest control. These strategies can help you bring more abundance to your property, while also conserving resources like water and energy. By taking a holistic approach to gardening and focusing on the bigger picture, you can create a beautiful and bountiful backyard that is both productive and sustainable.

In the next section, we'll dive deeper into some specific permaculture techniques that can help boost soil health and biodiversity in your backyard. By combining these strategies with the principles we've already discussed, you can create a truly self-sustaining ecosystem that will thrive for years to come.

Permaculture Techniques to Boost Soil Health and Biodiversity

In order to truly embrace permaculture and create a thriving garden, it's important to not only establish a solid foundation but also to incorporate specific techniques that can boost soil health and biodiversity. One of the simplest ways to do this is through companion planting, which involves growing different plants together in a way that benefits each other. For example, planting beans and peas with corn can help provide nitrogen to the soil, while marigolds can help repel pests.

Another technique to consider is rainwater harvesting, which involves collecting and storing rainwater to use for watering plants. This not only conserves water but also helps reduce erosion and runoff, which can damage soil health over time. By installing a rain barrel or other collection system, you can easily harness this valuable resource and put it to use in your garden. But if you are not ready for this step and are just developing a garden, you can focus on establishing a bed in a way that helps you collect water. My garden is on a slight grade and because of this I have my beds placed against the grade so that as rain flows down into my garden it does cause all the soil to run off with the water.

Natural pest control is another important aspect of permaculture, as it helps reduce the need for synthetic pesticides that can harm the environment and disrupt the delicate balance of your garden. One effective method is introducing beneficial insects like ladybugs or lacewings, which can help control harmful pests like aphids and mites.

Finally, incorporating composting into your gardening routine is an excellent way to boost soil health and promote biodiversity. Composting involves creating a nutrient-rich mixture of organic materials like food scraps and yard waste, which can then be used as a natural fertilizer for your plants. Not only does this help reduce waste and conserve resources, but it also helps create a self-sustaining ecosystem in your backyard.

By incorporating these permaculture techniques, you can take your gardening to the next level and create a truly sustainable, thriving ecosystem in your own backyard.

In conclusion, permaculture is more than just a gardening method, it's a mindset shift towards building a sustainable and regenerative world. By following its principles, you can create a garden that not only provides for you but also for the environment. From boosting soil health to promoting biodiversity, permaculture offers solutions to many of the issues traditional gardening faces. So why not give it a try? Start small, experiment, and have fun while you discover the amazing benefits that permaculture can bring to your garden and your life. As permaculture pioneer Bill Mollison once said, "Though the problems of the world are increasingly complex, the solutions remain embarrassingly simple." Permaculture is one of those simple solutions, and it's waiting for you to embrace it.

To dive deeper into bringing more abundance to your garden or even your purposeful journey be sure to check out the Purposeful Growing Success Path, designed to walk all growers through the 6 stages of creating a Purposeful Life.

Don’t let the world hold you back,

Pray, Just Plant

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