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Updated: Nov 9, 2020

I would say Monkey Bread is like inside out Caramel Cinnamon rolls. Every Easter I bring this recipe as a fun breakfast snack. This recipe is great for get together as it is made of small balls that can pull off of the whole and easily shared with many. Make one Bread Ball.

One recipe of my Sweet Dough Bread

1 cup heavy Cream

1 cup Brown Sugar

5 Tbs of Sugar

1 Tbs of Cinnamon

Thoroughly grease a Bunt Cake pan. Place the Sugar and Cinnamon in a gallon zip lock bag. After the first rise of the Sweet Dough. Punch down the dough. Cut into quarters. Roll one quarter into long snakes that are 1 inch thick. Cut the snakes into 1 inch pieces. Place the pieces into the zip lock bag. Shake to coat the small pieces with Sugar and Cinnamon. Pour the balls out of the zip lock bag into the bunt pan. Heat the Cream and Brown Sugar on the stove in a sauce pan. Heat until Brown Sugar melts. Repeat with each quarter. Once the Brown Sugar is melted pour it over the balls in the bunt pan. Do not let the dough rise again, place the bunt pan on a cookie and place in a 400 degree oven. The cookie pan will save your oven if the bunt pan overflows. Bake for 40 minutes or until the bread sounds hollow when tapped with a butter knife and when pressed in the center comes out clean. Let cool for 5 minutes.  Place a plate on the top of the bunt and flip it over to set on the plate. Let it rest and wait until it slides down onto the plate. You may need to shake a little, it will all depend on how well you greased your pan. Enjoy!

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