My Mother-in-Law found this recipe in a bag of Pillsbury’s Best XXXX Flour. I tried looking up when Pillsbury’s might have made this recipe and I am thinking it was in the early 60’s. The History of the Pillsbury Company is quite amazing. Makes 1 Loaf.

Oven 375
Grease bread pan with shortening.
Combine the following dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl.
2 cups All Purpose Flour
1/4 cup sugar
1 Tbls Salt
2 packages Active Dry Yeast
Heat in Saucepan over low heat until very warm(120-130 F)
1 cup water
1 cup milk
1/4 cup cooking oil
Add Egg and Warm Liquid to Flour Mixture
1 Egg
Blend at low speed until moistened; beat 3 minutes at medium speed.
By hand, stir in Another 2 to 2 1/2 cup Flour to form a stiff batter. (Batter will follow spoon)
Cover batter; let rise in warm place (80-85 F) until light and doubled- about 50 minutes.
Stir down batter; spoon into greased pan. This batter does not rise a second time before baking. Immediately place in oven.
One 9 by 5 in loaf pan 375 40-50 minutes
One 2-quart deep round casserole or souffle dish 375 45-50 minutes
Two 8 by 4 inch loaf pans 375 30-35 minutes
One 9-inch round layer pan 375 40-50 minutes
Two 8 inch round layer pans 375 25-30 minutes
One 12- inch pizza pan 375 30-35 minutes
18 muffins cups 400 12-15 minutes
Reduce Oven Temperature by 25 degrees if using glass pan. Loaf will sound hollow when lightly tapped, remove from pan immediately. Cool on rack. Brush top of loaf with melted butter, if desired. This recipe include many different variations.