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Updated: Mar 8, 2021

A Homesteader's Woe

by Red Ridge Farm

The sun is up, covers still call,

Down, Down, I wish to retreat,

From the barn comes a bleat,

To the barn, I must go,

A Homesteader's Woe.

Rain pounds the roof, covers sill call,

Come, Come, My tummy is empty,

We do not give you pity,

To the barn, I must go,

A Homesteader's Woe.

Wind blows the snow, covers still call,

Hurry, Hurry my udder is full,

Back the covers I must pull,

To the barn, I must go,

A Homesteader's Woe.

Chills, Runny Nose, A Cough, covers still call,

Please, Please, our caregiver we must see,

 Our hopes and happiness come from thee,

To the barn, I must go,

 A Homesteader's Woe.

To the barn, covers still call,

Thank you, Thank you, pet us, love us,

Pride,Love, Homesteader's Heart content,

To the barn, I went,

A Homesteader's Woe

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