Are You Struggling with Building your Garden's Soil Health?

Grab your Free copy of the "Building Soil Health Guide" which was designed to take the guessing out of improving your soil health!
What is In the Build Soil Health Guide?
The Building Soil Health Guide- This guide was designed to help the beginner or even the seasoned gardener unlock the secrets hidden in her soil with out having to deal with stress that comes from all of the extra information!($27)
Building Soil Health Webinar designed to walk you through this guide step by step!($27)
Improve Your Soil Health 5-day Email Boot Camp straight to your Inbox- where I will walk you through the 5 steps to improving your soil health.($27)
Chance to join the Red Ridge Farm Fellow Growers Facebook Group- where I have built a community of fellow growers that you can join.($27)
Total Value of $108​
Bonus to my first 50 students: Soil Test Guide- designed to walk you through the simple steps of testing your soil!($27)
That is a Grand Total of $135
Yours Today for Free!

Hello my name is Crystal Mediate and I am a co-owner of Red Ridge Farm. I am also the author and founder of the Red Ridge Farm Homesteader's Hands Blog, Pray, Just Plant Podcast, and the Red Ridge Farm School of Growing. Here at Red Ridge Farm, our mission is to help you on growing journey by growing a garden, a homestead, a healthy family, and closer to God.
Do you want to learn what your soil has to tell you?
Do you want to stop guessing year after year?
Do you want someone to break it down and give you it to you straight?
Then the Building Soil Health Guide is for You!
Before I figured out what my soil needed, I played the amendment guessing game. I would read book after book and I would find what I thought was a solution. I mean so and so said it worked for their garden so it just had to work for mine right??
I was so WRONG!
And, that is why I have created the "Build Your Soil Health Guide". This guide designed to take the guessing out of improving your soil health!
Grab your Free copy of the "Building Soil Health Guide Bundle" which was designed to take the guessing out of improving your soil health!

Grab your free copy of the "Building Soil Health Guide Bundle" which was designed to take the guessing out of improving your soil health!
Thank You for following your God-Given Purpose of Growing Healthy Food for you and your family. I can't wait to see what the Lord helps you achieve on your growing journey!
And if you are looking for more help improving your soil then check out the Red Ridge Farm School of Growing on my website. www.redridgefarm.org
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to email me at crystalmediate@redridgefarm.org
Have a Blessed Day,
Crystal Mediate